Upload+ Show Selection

Support your favorite local creators right here

Fill out the form below to select which Network shows you would like your monthly subscription fee to support!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Each month, your subscription fee is divided between the Network and the shows you select. If you select more than one show, then that amount will be divided up equally amongst the shows you select.

  • Fill out the form above again and your answers will be automatically updated.

  • More than you might realize! Most of the shows on our network are from local community creators who are doing this as a passion project, and receiving support from their community is what helps them keep going! Plus, a couple of dollars may not seem like much, but if everyone gives a couple of dollars, it turns into real impact!

  • We work on a lot of different projects with a lot of different clients in a lot of different ways! This support is specifically for our Network shows, which are local shows from community creators.

    If you think a show should be on here but you aren’t seeing it, or if you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to logan@uploadcr.com.